Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Forget zombies, kids are taking over the world.

Children are a lot more evil and manipulative than we give them credit for; take Halloween for an example.

Somehow the youngsters throughout the world have banded together and managed to transform a celtic celebration into a holiday revolving solely around them.

"Mom make me a Cinderella costume!"

"No I don't want to be Bell anymore - that was last week!"

"You guys only have kit kats? (eye roll)"

But my favorite Halloween remark made by the kiddies to date happened this past weekend.

After a five-hour plane ride, I arrived back at my home in downtown Sacramento at 9 p.m. As I lugged my bags up my driveway three kids approached me.

"Trick or treat!"

My response?

"Uh, I don't live here." (Obviously lying, but come on kids I haven't even walked in my house yet.)

As they meander off, being bothersome throughout the neighborhood, I quickly unlock my door, jump inside my house and turn off my porch light.

Once I enter my house I see my sister curled up in the fetal position on the couch.

"Dude, I forgot to buy candy. They've been harassing our house all night," she giggled nervously.

A minute goes by...

Knock. Knock. Knock.

We sit, frozen in terror.

"TRICK OR TREAT!...Come on, it's Halloween!"

Another needy child chimes in.

"Seriously?! We said, 'TRICK or TREAT!,'" the kid whined. "FINE! WE'LL STEAL YOUR PORCH CHAIRS INSTEAD!"

So, somehow a celebration in honor of the dead has turned into munchins with sugar highs, which (apparently) results in angry retaliation?

One question. Where are the parents? I guess one day the parents just decided, "Welp, you're seven now. Off you go," and pushed them into the street without important warnings like, "Don't knock on doors with their porch lights off."

Not only is that dangerous for the little ones, but it is common courtesy. If a household wishes to provide children with their sugar fix they will have their porch light on and will more than likely have a jack-o-lantern on their doorstep. Two things of which I had neither.

Common sense people, let's use it.

Enough ranting, the bottom line is that the aggressive nature of trick-or-treaters this Halloween appalled me. When did children become so self-entitled?

In my trick-or-treating days, it was a good Halloween if I came home without pissing my pants - didn't matter to me whether I had kit kats or laffy taffy. 

But kids now days are relentless. Driving through the "Fab 40s" in downtown Sacramento was like playing frogger - but the kids were the cars and my car was the frog. 

It seemed that parents had bussed their spawn into the richest part of Sacramento so that they would get full-sized candy bars and not have to be in charge of satisfying their kid's sugar craving for the night. 

I honestly feel bad for homeowners anywhere near 40th Street. If the kids are okay with stealing porch chairs from poor college students, who knows what they'll do to millionaires who fail to provide Halloween satisfaction.

I'm telling you, these kids are evil. I wouldn't put anything past them. It's like baby geniuses, all grown up and taking over the world - starting with Halloween.

1 comment:

  1. Clever in spots... and an enjoyable read...

    And those obnoxious, entitlement kids! That hits a chord - especially as a person living in the Fab 40s.

    Thousands, literally, thousands of children roamed through the area, some growling like hungry raccoons.

    What would have made this column stronger?

    Perhaps a stronger tie in between the first parts of the column and the last.

    But, overall, well worth a full-sized candy bar.
